Pierce Teen Leadership Programs
Choose Your Program and Thrive At The Y
The Y invites teens in grades 8-12 to select from one of our varied programs that address the spectrum of social and emotional development needs. Each features a stratum of leadership, self-worth, and self-discovery approaches that meet teens where they are.
Pierce County teens can access these programs through either the schools or centers.

Pacific Region Conference
This annual retreat enables teens to set and meet personal goals, build self-esteem, and create community. Registration opens Friday, September 1, 2023.

Summer of Service
Come join other young teen leaders from our YMCA and participate in this once in a lifetime, unique, and impactful cultural experience. Registration opens Friday, December 1, 2023.

Youth and Government
Engage in a youth-led model state legislature and learn how to draft legislation, the art of debate, and public speaking while running the state legislature.

Youth Leadership Development Club
Providing teens with the resources to develop their leadership skills in an open and fun environment that inspires learning, discovery, and personal growth.

Kids Night Out Teen Leader
Kids Night Out Teen Leaders bring each KNO alive as they participate as group leaders, unit leaders, and support staff.