Once in a Lifetime, Unique, and Impactful Cultural Experience
Summer of Service (SOS) offers a hands-on cultural immersion experience. Participants spend a week on the reservation, working directly with the community to plan and deliver a week of day camp for the youth in Dupree.
Who can join: Students entering grades 10-12
Location: Cheyenne River Reservation at the YMCA of the Seven Council Fires, Dupree, South Dakota

Build relationships.
Cultural understanding and awareness.

Respect for cultural diversity and uniqueness of others.
Better comprehension of the world that we live in.

Create a sense of community.
Make lasting memories.
Teen Leadership Development Programs Available to All
YMCA programs are open and available to everyone within our communities and you do not need to be a Y member to participate in any of the Teen Leadership Development programs offered. No person shall be turned away due to the inability to pay.
Program Price: $850
Payments may be made on a monthly draft or paid in full upon registration.
See What Past Participants Have Had To Say About SOS
"My experience was life-changing. It was so fun to hang out with the kids, and learning about their struggles was hard, but also important. I originally went on this trip to try to make an impact in the lives of other people and help wherever I could. What I didn't expect was the astronomical impact it would have on me."
- Claire E., SOS Participant