A Safe Space for Teens
Late Nite provides an environment where teens can engage with caring adults and mentors. Thanks largely to community leaders and organizations, the Y and Late Nite became the pillars needed throughout Pierce and Kitsap counties.

Bringing Late Nite to Your Schools
In partnership with schools, community centers, and other local non-profits Late Nites has now expanded into school sites across Tacoma. This is a free, safe, and engaging program that offers free dinner, open gym, art, and music activities with friends.

Late Nite at Your Local Y
Late Nite at the Y gives young people endless opportunities to stay active, participate in team sports, and connect with peers in their age group. YMCA community centers provide a safe gathering place for students with consistent adult involvement.
The Impact of Teen Programs

The Y is excited to continue serving this beloved program across schools and centers throughout Pierce and Kitsap counties. Learn more about why Late Nite was brought back and the partnerships that helped make it happen in the 2023 Late Nite Impact Report.

Our Impact
Empower our community's youth through your generosity. Your donations directly support impactful programs at the YMCA Center for Community Impact (CCI). From youth leadership to juvenile justice initiatives and community learning centers, every dollar makes a genuine difference. Join us in making a lasting impact together. Donate today.