Four children canoeing at Camp Lake Helena

The Best Summer Ever! This has been a theme in the past for the Y’s summer day camp and overnight camp. I have always loved this statement. It takes me back to when I was a kid; it seemed that every summer was the best ever. Outdoor play, warm weather, water fights, laughter, and friendships ... each summer seemed to outdo the last. Maybe it was being free of the classroom, having no obligations, playing with friends all day.

After the year our kids have just endured, they need the best summer ever ... more than ever! Social isolation, screen time to oblivion, virtual everything, disruption to all that they have known, all of these challenges have taken a mental toll.

At the Y, we are doubling down on youth. We are betting on their resilience and investing in their emotional recovery. As COVID restrictions begin to ease, the Y is ramping up to provide an amazingly positive summer experience for all kids in our communities. A chance to get outside, run, play, learn a new skill, and most importantly, enjoy the summer!

We want to make sure that every child has this opportunity. You can help us make this possible by donating today to send a kid to camp. Whether you give $5, $25, or $500, 100% of every gift goes to provide a camp scholarship to families in need.

Join us in slamming shut the laptops, flinging aside the iPads, and powering down the phones. The sun is rising and we are sending kids to camp!

Author: Toby Roberts, YMCA Association Director of Philanthropy