“And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need.” – Hebrews 13:16
Yes, the headwinds from the virus and the related mask mandate are still pretty stiff for us, but as one of our board members, Steve Gordon, likes to say when recognizing the presence of positive signs: “There are green shoots popping up all around.”
My friends who are active at the Tacoma Center Y have been texting me about the steady increase of participants in the morning exercise classes; last week, one let me know there were 21 in the Edge workout, and that the parking lot was full. On a recent visit to the Lakewood Y, I ran into Kevin Milliren, Senior Gymnastics Director, who was thrilled to share how strong the participation numbers were in the gymnastics program, saying, “It’s pretty much what it was before COVID.” When talking with Scotty Jackson, out at Camp Lake Helena, he shared the excitement from the schools returning to Camp Seymour for Outdoor Environmental Education, a program that has been expertly lead by Scott and Becca Gjertson for 20 years. Yes, there are a lot of “green shoots popping up” around our association, a tribute to all of you.
Last week, Toko Thompson informed me that with the help of our human resources team, she was able to submit our request for forgiveness of the $4 million loan we received this year as part of the federally funded Paycheck Protection Plan (PPP). The Small Business Administration will now review the request, but the bank from which we received the funds has already approved it. It will be a huge win for our association if the loan forgiveness is approved (meaning, we do not have to pay it back). In addition to the PPP loan process, Toko and her finance team, along with the human resources team, worked to receive a $2.6 million tax credit as part of another federal tax credit program, the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC). A great deal of work is required to pursue these grant/credit opportunities, but the reward is enormous; without the ERTC, our financial situation would be a lot more challenging for us. Thank you, Toko, team finance, and team HR, for all the work you have done to position our Y to advance forward. (We also learned this past week that there is still a chance we will receive the fourth quarter ERTC, where prior there was strong doubt. Fingers crossed!!)
As we have heard in recent Staying Connected calls, Michael Marquez and the virtual team have been steadily moving forward toward an official launch of the YMCA360 virtual platform. Though it has been available to our members for months, a great deal of work has been done to elevate the awareness of the value of the program, as well as to add some very exciting elements to the program options. Kim Schultz and the digital marketing team are rolling out a strong campaign to engage our members to see the value of virtual services, as are Emily Morisawa and the membership team as they work to promote member engagement in the platform. As part of a national network of YMCAs, we have learned how critical it is that our team become well versed in understanding the program – that it just becomes part of what we do in the Y. It is so inspiring to watch Annie Doyle and Kenny Aye and so many others working to make the virtual experience an integral part of our Y’s future. The studio at the Tacoma Center Y is in high gear, and soon the YMCA of Pierce and Kitsap Counties will be broadcasting its programs live to locations all over the country. This is truly an amazing opportunity for our Y, and it will open up incredible possibilities in which to engage our communities. Thank you, Michael, Kim, Emily, Annie, Kenny, and everyone else who is working so hard to introduce virtual programming to our Y.
Last week, Tara Bywater and I met with the Tacoma School District human resources director to discuss the possibility of a partnership between our Y and the school district to provide critical wellness services to their employees (this is a project Tara had been working on with the district prior to COVID, and there now seems to be renewed interest. The district is recognizing that it is not just the students who are experiencing the strain from COVID). It also represents an area that signifies a tremendous opportunity for our Y – corporate partnerships. Prior to COVID, Bruce Caudill saw the possibility of integrating the virtual platform into our corporate programming to enable us to deliver programs such as weight loss, diabetes prevention programs, and exercise programs onsite to the corporate employees. Prior to COVID, we saw corporate partnerships as an important part of our membership development strategy. (Isaiah Dowdell was doing a great job leading this effort until COVID hit, at which time we were forced to pause the program.) Companies are approaching us because they recognize the strain the pandemic has had on their employees. They also know that investing in their employees’ health and wellness is critical to retaining and attracting them. Tara, thank you for recommitting our Y to this all-important work, both to our Y and to our communities.
As reported in the Staying Connected call this past Friday by Tara and Brian Flattum, we will generate over $2 million in membership revenue in the month of October. Though it is not our high point for the year, it is a significant benchmark under these conditions, and a positive indicator for our Y. Yes, there are “green shoots” all around our association – members attending classes, and once again, finding their way back into our Y community. There are also great examples of new ideas and renewed commitments to “reach our community wherever they feel comfortable.” This only happens because of the deep commitment each of you has to impacting people. Last week, as I was leaving the Tacoma Center Y, a member stopped me in the parking lot. She wanted to let me know how great it was for her to be back in the Y. She shared how hard it had been for her while being isolated in her apartment. She made the decision to come back to the Y, and it has been “renewing, even while having to wear a mask.” She shared that she is, once again, “among the living”.
You are giving life to our communities. You are making a profound impact in people’s lives. Thank you all.
#OneY #StayStrong #StayWithUs