Dear YMCA staff and members,
I am announcing my retirement from the YMCA, after 35 years of service. July 10 will be my final day. My YMCA career has been an amazing and wonderful journey!
Throughout my career, I have been able to work with outstanding leadership, staff, members, volunteers and donors. I am grateful for staff who were willing to support me in my endeavors and allow me to do what I do best, serve the members of the YMCA. Thank you to the people who performed administrative duties, planned staff development and so many fantastic events.
I want to give a special thank you to our President and CEO, Charlie Davis. His leadership has always been thoughtful, and I have benefitted greatly from knowing him. Charlie has championed me my whole career and has been a great friend.
I am truly going to miss serving the members of our YMCA. Over the years, I have been able to share my passion for fitness and sports. It has been a blessing to be able to have fun teaching fitness classes, playing racquetball, basketball, football, and water volleyball and interacting while using the weights and exercise equipment. I am going to miss how members would always be lifting me up with their wonderful outlooks on life. Thank you for making it special to come to work every day. I will miss singing Christmas carols together!
I also would like to thank the donors who so generously supported our YMCA. Through their generosity, everyone was able to use our facilities, regardless of their ability to pay. Their support has positively impacted thousands of kids and made many dreams come true. These kids learned to swim, went to camp, participated in Late Nite and enjoyed many special programs. A special thank you to the volunteers who helped raise the financial support to make so many wonderful programs possible. Thanks for giving unconditionally!
I am deeply grateful for 35 wonderful years!
Phil Carter